ElastiCache Redis cache clusters should use authentication tokens
ElastiCache Redis cache clusters should use authentication tokens

To secure access to your Amazon ElastiCache Redis cache clusters, you can use Redis

Remediation Steps

To enable authentication with tokens for your Amazon ElastiCache Redis cache clusters via AWS Management Console:

  1. Access the Amazon ElastiCache console available at https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticache/ and select Redis clusters.
  2. Select the Redis cache cluster that you want to configure, choose Actions, and select Modify.
  3. Under Security, choose Redis AUTH default user access from the Access control dropdown list, and provide your authentication token in the Redis AUTH token field.
  4. Choose Preview changes, select Yes under Apply immediately, and choose Modify to apply the changes immediately.

Useful Links

  1. Amazon Elasticache Service FAQs
  2. Security in Amazon ElastiCache
  3. Data protection in Amazon ElastiCache
  4. Authenticating users with the AUTH command
  5. modify-cache-cluster CLI command

Real-Life Incidents

  1. Mirai botnet managed to infect network devices by trying commonly used and default passwords
  2. Supply chain attack involving software from SolarWinds, which targeted several U.S. government agencies, caused by a weak user password
  3. Compromised password impacted more than 1.2 million GoDaddy customers

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